Free Facebook Marketing My company helps businesses build custom apps for their Face book pages. In this post I’m going to cover how your business can promote your business’s app to existing fans & people outside of your Face book network, all without spending a dime. Create promotions and contests on your face book page

1.Watch presentation of Easy promos
2.Increase and localize your fan base
3.Design your own promotions
4.Measure and analyze the impact
5.Full Multilanguage support

Face book is one of the best Social Networking sites for website promotion. You can expect a big increase in your website business from the effective use of Face book. This guide will help you develop your Face book account to start sending more traffic to your site.

Many times, prospects will come to your Face book page before visiting your website, so it’s important to make a good first impression. Fan pages are public pages that many businesses use to have a presence on Facebook. Instead of connecting you with “friends,” Pages amass “fans” that you can keep in contact with. The biggest benefit of having a page is that it is indexed by Google and it available to view even if you are not logged into Facebook. This makes promoting the page a whole lot easier. Another great thing about pages is that pages are much more customizable than profiles.  You can integrate html, flash, or even certain Facebook apps onto your page to create more interest. Fill out the information, being very careful about the name of your page since you will not be able to change it. When you are done, accept the Facebook Pages Terms and click “Get Started”

Another way to promote your Page is to become fans of similar Pages or join similar groups and share a link there. Remember: be smart and don’t overdo your promoting or else you will seem spammy and drive visitors away. One of the greatest aspects of Facebook is its ability to connect your page to users. Make sure to retain those connections by interacting on your page and keeping the conversation going. Don’t be afraid to spark discussions or respond to comments on your page’s wall. Don’t forget that your Facebook fan page is an extension of your website, which means you want to make sure both are updated regularly. Most importantly

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